Monday, July 12, 2021

5206 - Novascopes

A step up (big step) from a kaleidoscope. Novascopes, the latest way to extract money from your wallet on things you don't really need.

Here's the main page. Just sit on it for a minute or so and watch the show. Then you can look around the site.

I found this on a post of a guy that bought one. 18 inches long, $1000. They make them 24 inches also.

So my birthday is in November, so if everyone started chipping in a little every month until then you can get me one for my birthday!


Elephant's Child said...

There are some beauties there, aren't there?

Bilbo said...

The novascope requires novocaine for your wallet.

BootsandBraids said...

I haven't seen a kaleidoscope since I was a kid. I'm remembering a dime store toy I had that I could hold up to my eye, twist the tube and see inside different kaleidoscopes. Now they're going for thousands?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Pretty damn pricey!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Seriously overpriced compared with what we pay here in kids' toy stores.

Mike said...

Sue - Yes they are.

Bill - But you're buying an experience... for me!

Shirley - It's sort of like a billionaire going into space for fun.

Deb - That's why you need to start saving now for my birthday.

Stu - The ones in the toy store are probably overpriced too. Just more affordably overpriced.

Cloudia said...

Thank you

Mike said...

Cloudia - If you buy one I'd like to borrow it.

Bohemian said...

We'd be buying an Experience for you, huh? *LMAOROTF" You sound about as convincing and reaching as my Grandchild when she's trying to pry open my Wallet for some spendy new Tech Gadget that I've managed to live without this whole long life I've led... but, apparently, she'd Die if she couldn't Experience it! *Smiles*