Friday, August 13, 2021

5238 - Uranus

Kathy mentioned in a comment yesterday an interesting spot in Missouri I didn't know about. Uranus Missouri. I checked and unfortunately, it's not an incorporated area. It's more like half strip mall and half amusement park. Uranus has a fudge factory. But then don't we all? 

Find Uranus!
Welcome to Uranus!
See attractions in Uranus!
Explore Uranus!
Escape Uranus!

If you want to take a look at Uranus, bend... Make the picture bigger. 

There aren't any homes in Uranus. But there are some behind Uranus. You could buy one and incorporate Uranus. Think of all the people that will visit Uranus. Think of the money you could make from Uranus. A 1/2 cent sales tax could provide all the maintenance Uranus needs.  

We need to get people talking about Uranus. Then we can figure how much money we can make with Uranus.

Warning. Today is an actual Friday the 13th. Stay out of Uranus today.


Elephant's Child said...

Some people have made a permanent home in Theiranus.

Infidel753 said...

Yes, try to attract more visitors. You want as many people coming in Uranus as possible.

Mike said...

Sue - tRUMP?

Infidel - We want to fill that place up!

RO said...

Your sense of humor should be bottled up for everyone to use at parties. Love it so much! Happy Friyay and lots of hugs, RO

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the shout out. If you're ever out that way Uranus is a fun place to spend a couple of hours. (BTW, the fudge is REALLY good)

John A Hill said...

It's a fun place to visit.
The t-shirts and signs are hilarious.
Every guest is greeted with, "Thanks for picking Uranus!" or "Thanks for coming in Uranus!"
And where else can you buy fudge that's been packed in Uranus to give to your friends?

Shaw Kenawe said...

According to scientists, Uranus is the coldest place in the solar system:

Uranus' atmosphere – made up of hydrogen, helium, and water, ammonia and methane ices – is the coldest of any planet in the solar system, with a lowest temperature of minus 371 degrees Fahrenheit

Mike said...

RO - As long as I'm not in the bottle with it. I don't think I have claustrophobia but I don't want to find out.

Kathy - Have you got any? I would love to try some fudge from Uranus. (I called Cuomo and he said this was the new line.)

John - Do you visit Uranus often?

Shaw - If Uranus ever warms up there will be tons of methane flowing from it.

Kathy G said...

I combined a trip to this place with a trip to Rolla to see Youngest Son three years ago. Any fudge would be LONG GONE!

Mike said...

Kathy - So there's none hidden away for an emergency? Oh well.

Bruce.desertrat said...

I've been on the road through there, there are signs for like 70 miles in all directions about how close you're getting to Uranus.

Weirder than The Thing signs

Mike said...

Bruce - I've never heard of The Thing either. Of course, I don't get to Arizona much.