Thursday, August 19, 2021

5244 - Book titles message

How many books would you have to have to be able to do this?

I don't know if everyone can blow this up big enough to read the titles. I had a hard time with a few of them. So someone else did us all a favor.

The English Patient Had Caught It On the Beach. I Should Have Stayed Home, She Said. Now She Was in Quarantine in the Dark House of Splendid Isolation. Still, Hope Springs Eternal. With a Little Bit of Luck, Common Sense, and Personal Hygiene, the Corona Book of Horror Stories Must End Soon. Always Remember, Clean Hands Save Lives and When in Doubt, Don’t Go Out!


Kirk said...

I agree that it's brilliant, but I bet plays havoc with the Dewey decimal system.

Mike said...

Kirk - If we decoded the Dewey decimals of the books, we... will have wasted a lot of time.

balanced a.f. said...

Now that is fascinating!

Elephant's Child said...

I have seen similar stories created from book titles and think it is very, very clever. And indicative of an excellent library.

Bilbo said...

What Elephant's Child said.

BootsandBraids said...

I had to copy the image, open in Paint to view, and am so intrigued by this that I'm now rethinking my own book arrangement. I'll let you know if I can even get two to make sense.

John A Hill said...

Seems like most creative people work harder than I do, but I do appreciate it.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Damn this was clever! I have a several bookcases of books. I should try it in my spare time - HA

Mike said...

BAF - It is.

Sue - This was a first for me.

Bill - What I said to Sue.

Shirley - Good luck. The gal that did this was a librarian. My guess is she did this at the library with LOTS of books to pick from.

John - Here's an idea for a new secret code. ISBN numbers.

Peg - What else have you got to do?!

Kathy G said...

I've seen this one on Facebook a couple of times. Some people have a lot of free time.

Mike said...

Kathy - Or a whole library to pick from.