Wednesday, August 18, 2021

5243 - Wednesday no themememes

A step up from psychopathic. 

I had to update this one. (Halloween candy is in the stores now.)

Shut up!

Logic will confuse the absolutists.

I could never be a home school teacher.

But, I still have all my blogger friends, right......... RIGHT?!


Elephant's Child said...

Get a new therapist. My imaginary friends keep my sane(ish). And they don't steal my chocolate either.

Mike said...

Sue - My therapist just thinks my imaginary friends are gone. We're having a party right now!

Bilbo said...

Yes, you still have all your blogger friends. I lost many of mine when I stopped posting every day, but those who stayed are good about toughing out the gaps between posts.

RO said...

The Halloween one is so on point, Marvelous Mike! Hugs, RO

LJ said...

Mike, the Amy Colleen one made a lot of sense but the Cristina Miller one was too complicated for me to understand.

John A Hill said...

Yep, still have this blogger friend.
So does Bilbo, even if he doesn't post every day.
I have never posted every day and have never had a big following, plus I post shit that caused many old "friends" to stop following me.

Ole phat stu said...

Since Corona started my daily blogreadership has dropped from 760 to 340 hits. Mostly because I' ve gotten boring and fans dropped away. Also i blog less.
Still follow you though Mike.

Shaw Kenawe said...

My local CVS has Halloween candy and cards on display. I still have Easter candy in my candy stash!

Mike said...

Bill - I know you refer your FB to your blog. I don't think I could do that every day. And the few times I did it didn't result in anything.

RO - Hopefully I won't be updating it next year.

LJ - "hate the belief, love the believer" just says that you don't like their religion but you like them.

John - I know I miss some blogs sometimes. I think I've looked but I didn't. And then "BLOGGERS" that have 'comment moderation' turned on... like me for old posts, make me wonder when I go back and look at comments, did I leave a comment or not?

Stu - Thanks, I don't check your blog enough because of where it is on my sidebar.

Shaw - Candy doesn't last long around my house. And I try not to eat all my granddaughters' candy when I visit her.

Kathy G said...

Every week I get an email that tells me how many people have visited the blog. Sometimes it's up, and sometimes it's down. Neither bothers me.

Mike said...

Kathy - I just check my blogger stats occasionally. And then don't believe them.

Burr Deming said...

I told my therapist about my imaginary friends.
She actually laughed at me.
Then she told me I don't have a therapist.

Mike said...

Burr - You can't always believe your therapist.