Friday, August 27, 2021

5252 - Humor tower

Blow this up and find all the jokes floating around in it. One big mistake... puns should be at the top.


Elephant's Child said...

Practical jokes should be at the bottom.

Mike said...

Sue - I would rearrange a few things on the tower myself.

Anonymous said...

Surgeons who work together are in cooperation.

Kathy G said...

As hard as it is to come up with a good pun they SHOULD be near the top.

Cloudia said...

And you are at the summit my friend!

Mike said...

Anon - It took me a minute. co-operation - Nice.

Kathy - Exactly!

Cloudia - I'm at the top, stuck in the Escher loop.

allenwoodhaven said...

Good one!

Bilbo said...


Mike said...

Allen - Thanks!

Bill - Double true!