Lots of reading. There will be a test tomorrow.
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1 hour ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
NINE different ways ; you forgot OUGHT
As a would be word nerd I loved this. Thank you.
I enjoyed this bigly.
I take issue with the first meme - they've repeated the long O sound in dough and Scarborough ... Or maybe that's just in Canadian pronunciation? It's a darn impressive set of four letters, that ough :) I hope pointing out this era does not make me a piranha, lol
Love the rest, especially the acyrologia, which is a new word to me. I can barely spell it even having it right in front of me, though, so the chances of me remembering it for long are slim to none.
Capitonym was a new concept for me.
Stu - I ought to know that.
Sue - Nerds unite!
Bill - I thOUGHt you might.
Jenny - I think you caught an error. I missed it for sure.
"remembering it for long are slim to none" This is me with most things.
Kathy - That was interesting. I would have never thought of a category like that.
That was fun! Thank you.
OMG! I am totally freaked out!
CC - Don't forget the test tomorrow!
Mark - And it's only Wednesday. I hope you can make it to the weekend so you can rest. :)
Cloudia - Your berry welcomb.
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