No Driving...Yet.
40 minutes ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
Some powerful (and unpleasant) truths. But than I am a tree hugging leaner to the left. I would say that.
Sue - But truths for sure.
The fundamental problem is that one side is ruthless in pushing its falsehoods and misrepresentations and reducing them to easy-to-parrot bumper stickers, while the other side earnestly tries to get people to understand that they are being screwed every day. No contest.
Thanks for these memes. The last one says it all!
Good memes.
I've used the equality/equity one before.
I agree, predator class it is!
"The predator class" is absolutely correct!
Bill - All the info the left needs to put on a bumper sticker would make it too small to read.
Shaw - Yes it does.
John - It's a great description of them. Now we need a bumper sticker, validated by Bill.
Deb - Absolutely!
Mike, the most important thing in any society is the mass production of food and water within that society to the point where every individual within that society has enough food and water available to them (and affordable to them) every day of their lives in order to guarantee their survival. Now, if you look at history it's obvious that democracies have always been 1000 times better at doing that than communist police states or country's governed by religion (or both), I should have thought that that one simple fact should ALWAYS be enough to convince anyone whos still in doubt that Capitalism is infinitely better than literally any other political system yet devised by our species over the last 10,000 years of recorded world history!.
LJ - I agree with most of this. Except I've always said the best system is Democratic Socialism with regulated Capitalism. Quite a few countries are making that system work. The US lost the regulated part because of the gold toilet owner. And now a few greedy so call Democrats are going to crash the system even more.
Political Confusion. Don't those both mean the same thing?
Mark - Probably but I'm not sure. I'm confused.
But Mike, any kind of regulation on a capitalist system makes a total nonsense of the so-called capitalism, theres got to be total and utter freedom for everyone to do exactly as they please otherwise scum like Stalin and Hitler and Hirohito start to reappear on the horizon ! ! !.
Equality/equity. A picture says a thousand words.
LJ - Total freedom is what leads to polluted water, drilling in national parks, new chemicals killing people, all for profit. The Jason Hickel meme explains it perfectly.
Kathy - Yes it does.
These are excellent. Jason Hickel said it very well! Unbridled capitalism has no concept of 'enough'.
Allen - I agree.
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