This is an article from Discover Magazine. I can't link to it so I copied the article. Its main focus is on conscientiousness with a subplot on a brain parasite that's found in cats and humans. (Be very careful changing the litter box)
March Full Moon Altar: Kwan Yin
23 minutes ago
I am missing that particular parasite it seems. I do change the kitty litter but the smell makes me love the cat less not more.
Sue - That's good. We don't want you to become less conscientious.
I may need to rethink my relationship with my daughter's two new kittens.
I know that back in the 1980s pregnant women needed to be careful about scooping cat litter because of that parasite. It sounds like there's been additional research since then.
"Brain Parasite" ... well that explains a lot about what's going on in today's world.
Other than the cat litter part, the article affirms what I read in the book I reviewed today.
Bill - Have your daughter read the article for sure.
Kathy - Now that you mention it, I think I remember something about that too.
Shirley - There are a lot of parasitic brains walking around these days aren't there?
John - "Violent agreement" is a term I am unfamiliar with. I looked that book up. It's from 1985 and out of print. Did you buy it or get it from the library?
I really dislike the smell of cat urine so hopefully I am not infected.
Lady - According to the article, you shouldn't be.
The Parasitic Brain of a lot of peeps walking around Today has certainly be altered by something... I call it the New Zombie Apocalypse... the Walking Brain Dead.
Dawn - I agree 100%.
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