Time to post some tree pictures.
Big Brass Balls
17 minutes ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
This tree lover thanks you.
Sue - And this isn't the end. I've got more.
I don't recall aspen you to do that.
I felt my blood pressure going down as I scrolled :-)
Good variety!
I'm going to miss all of the green.
I really don't care much for fall/winter.
Bill - I forgot! Facepalm!
Kathy - Good thing I didn't post more. You could have passed out!
Deb - I try not to duplicate.
John - You need to start your own pine tree forest out back.
Oh, these are Ahhhhhmazing, I just Love the Old Ancient ones. At our Historic Property we had a 350 Year Old Tamarack that the City cut down without our permission, citing it had become too big for a Residential area... WTF, I was so angry, but taking them to Court would have never replaced what was Lost. I still miss seeing that Old Tree, it's Trunk alone weighed over 79,000 lbs. and had to be cut down in 3 foot segments lest it tip over the Crane! That wasn't Counting any Limbs or Needles... it was about 60 foot tall and as big around as a Redwood... I LOVED that Tree.
Dawn - I would have gone nuts on them for cutting down a tree like that. Was it actually on your property or in the right of way? Usually, a city will never come on private property. If the tree was a hazard they would send you a notice to cut it down. Then if you didn't, they would cut it down and bill you.
That one tree has quite a gut.
Kirk - There are a couple of belly busters in this group.
Lovely- imagine the tales those trees could tell! Viv
CC - They've seen more than all of us put together.
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