Friday, October 08, 2021

5294 - Signs

He was a baseball fanatic and always wanted to be a shortstop.

The confusing part is about driving "in" a road.

Well, maybe this one last sign.

I've posted this before. I still like it a lot.

There needs to be more of these signs on the highways.

Oh, we need a lot more of these signs.

There will be a test on this tomorrow.

I'd like to hire these guys but I don't know if they would drive up from Alabama.


Elephant's Child said...

Smiling - including at the 'this will hurt the whole time you are dying...' sign. I am obviously a bad person.

Mike said...

Sue - But a good bad person.

Bilbo said...

The "Bridge Out" sign is too true to be funny any more.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ha ha, the washed out bridge sign is my fave!

Kathy G said...

Imagine trying to read that second one as you're driving by it.

Mike said...

Bill - I hear ya'.

Deb - You wouldn't put one up, would you?

Kathy - Or just wondering if you're breaking the law that day.

allenwoodhaven said...

Love the Lawn and Order Special Mowing Unit! Hope they are very successful. My brain hurt so much from understanding the second one that I didn't even notice "in" all main roads.

Cloudia said...

These are all great man. And yes those highway signs should be every few miles!

Mike said...

Allen - Imagine seeing the second and seventh ones together.

Cloudia - And having an old guy sitting on top of each one shaking his fist yelling "GET OFF MY LANE!"