Wednesday, December 15, 2021

5363 - Country music?

Well, yesterday was a bust, let's try this.

I don't particularly like country music. But I find exceptions every once in a while.

Put it on loop and listen all day! Get your step counter on and run it up.


Kirk said...

Sounds like 1970s southern rock.

Elephant's Child said...

Nice beat.

Mike said...

Kirk - Yep, country lyrics, rock beat.

Sue - I love it.

Bilbo said...

Is Keith Urban's son named Keith Suburban?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice Texas drawl, for an Australian.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

If I don't have to look at him, it's better. But not his biggest fan.

Mike said...

Bill - That's really a streeeetch Bill.

Deb - Actually New Zealander. I looked him up. He has tricitenship. New Zealand, Australia, and the United States. I didn't know someone could do that.

Peg - I don't watch Youtube music videos most of the time. I just listen. I scroll the video off the screen and/or read something else.

Kathy G said...

I 'watch' most YouTube videos the same way you do.

Cloudia said...

Thank you, Mike

Lady M said...

Nope nope nope nope

Mike said...

Kathy - It's the best way.

Cloudia - Was this better than 5362?

Lady - So 4 nopes, is that good or bad? Only 4 nopes out of 100 would be great, right? 😁