Tuesday, December 14, 2021

5362 - Remember this?

I was watching some old videos and came across this one. This thing just cracks me up. I know I know, I have a warped sense of humor. But it is what it is. I laugh all the way through this.


Elephant's Child said...

Nope. No laughter from me.

Mike said...

Sue - Say it ain't so!!

Elephant's Child said...

Sorry. It doesn't even raise a smile.

Kathy G said...

The first couple of times the joke was funny, but it went on way too long.

Mike said...

Kathy - It must be a guy thing. Although no guys have commented yet.

MarkD60 said...

I'm not impressed. Sorry

Mike said...

Mark - You're not helping me, Mark!

BootsandBraids said...

LOL. I've never seen this before BUT why was everyone blaming the guy in the grey sweater?

Mike said...

Shirley - He was the one doing the hollering.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

You liked the 3 Stooges too didn't you?

Mike said...

Peg - At the time, yes. These days, meh.

jenny_o said...

I didn't want to give my input because it's negative, but I see you find loud and startling and unpleasant noises funny, so ... :D

Mike said...

Jenny - Actually what's funny about this is the tension people have when they are crammed into a small space with strangers.

BootsandBraids said...

Didn't realize grey sweater was hollering. Thought it was the buzzer sound in the elevator making the noise.

Mike said...

Shirley - Yep. Just a guy hollering. Pretty funny, right?

Bilbo said...

Huh? This was just lost on me ... sorry.

Mike said...

Bill - Just a guy getting a reaction from people.

Lady M said...

I think all the sound effects that are over layed are confusing so I think that's why people thought their was a buzzer.

LJ said...

Mike, Steven Spielbergs remake of WEST SIDE STORY is transcendental and almost totally immaculate, there are some mo-girl-ts in the movie that can only really be described as pure celluloid gold and total cinematic genius of the highest level. I`ve always been a big fan of the superb 1961 version but i have to say i think Spielberg has topped it, the scenes where Tony and Maria meet for the first time and then meet again on the fire escape are totally beyond belief in their unparalleled and unrivaled perfection. You and all your other regular contributors have got to see this movie Mike, its-out-of-this-world and easily as good as (if not better than) any of Spielbergs other great movies from the past.

Mike said...

Lady - I don't know. I've never had this much negative reaction to anything. This has been on my sidebar for years. I have another one that I'll post next week.

LJ - Sorry LJ, but you couldn't pay me to watch West Side Story. The old one or the new one.

LJ said...

What about if Maria was played by the incredible 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 ! ?.

Mike said...

LJ - She has her own videos we can watch.