Friday, December 17, 2021

5365 - Aluminum cooking - good or bad? ... and covid

This is from a doctor's Facebook page. I've read this many times before but no one seems to be studying it to any great degree.

How you cook matters.
Aluminum may be toxic to your brain and spine.

You try to do everything right for yourself and your family, including choosing a healthy diet. But choosing the right foods may not be enough to protect your central nervous system. How you prepare and store your meals may expose you and your family to the toxic effects of aluminum.

Aluminum may be harmful to the brain:
Problems don’t occur overnight. But long term exposure to aluminum may be toxic to your brain. Numerous researchers have evaluated work-related exposure (for example, working in a factory with high aluminum concentrations) and environmental exposure (for example, cooking on aluminum foil or aluminum pots and pans) and found associations between aluminum and brain maladies.

In 2019, Chinese scientists reported on more than 900 people who worked for a long time in an Aluminum Factory. The researchers discovered that those with a higher concentration of aluminum in their blood were significantly more likely to be Cognitively Impaired (problems thinking and remembering).

A 2019 report by Canadian and American researchers determined that long-term aluminum exposure may be associated with Alzheimer's disease, dementia associated with Down’s syndrome, and cognitive decline in renal dialysis (kidney failure) patients. The scientists had analyzed the aluminum content of more than 500 brain samples that had been submitted to their laboratory.

In 2021, British and American scientists reported their findings after they studied brain tissue from normal people and compared them to the brains of people affected with neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases. The researchers determined that there may be a significantly elevated content of aluminum in certain brains. This association (patients with these maladies have more aluminum in their brains than normal) has been reported in patients with Alzheimer's disease, autism spectrum disorder, and multiple sclerosis.

There is an unfortunate group of people with familial Alzheimer’s disease. They are genetically disposed towards suffering from Alzheimer’s dementia. Scientists have discovered that they are likely to have a toxic protein in their brain (amyloid beta) and also high concentrations of aluminum in their neurons (brain cells). 

Aluminum may be especially dangerous to the developing brain (the brain of a baby or a fetus). Scientists have reported that high concentrations of aluminum may negatively alter stem cells in the brain.

Heavy metal and your spine:
In 2020, a multinational group of researchers reported that too much environmental exposure to aluminum and other metals (mercury, cadmium, lead, nickel, chromium, iron) may result in osteoporosis and increased fracture risk.

Raise a glass and don’t forget to tip the bartender:
Spanish scientists in 2021 reported that drinking beer, in moderation, may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease. The researchers hypothesized that the hops and silicon in beer may protect your brain against the toxic effects of aluminum.

Update before post date...
My sister was at a birthday party last Saturday. No masks, who needs them, we're vaccinated and boosted. She gets a call yesterday. A guy tested positive for covid who was at the party. My sister had a test as did a friend of hers Thursday. They both tested positive. My sister was at my daughters' house on Wednesday. My daughter is immune compromised and my granddaughter has heart problems. So now they have to go get tested. Claudia and I were with our daughter Thursday night. We are waiting on her test to see if we have to get tested.
Wear a GD mask!


Elephant's Child said...

I do hope that your daughter and her daughter have escaped. And you and Claudia too.
And now I will add worrying about my exposure to aluminum to the long list. I need all of my brain cells. Badly.

Ole phat stu said...

Luckily all the folks with alumonium in tbeir brains are called Al ☺

Country Cottage said...

Oh boy, hoping that you and your family are ok and test negative. Why can't people just wear the masks - I'll never understand. At work (a food shop) the other workers don't put their masks on until the shop opens - guess they think Covid can tell time ☹️)

I've read that about aluminium before.

Mike said...

Sue - It's a waiting game right now.

Stu - Maybe that's what made Al Einstein so smart. All that aluminum wiring in his brain.

CC - The "you can't make us wear masks" idiots are the biggest bunch of cry babies anyone can imagine. And like I said to Sue, it's a waiting game right now.

Ol' Simmons said...

Been on-line looking for "moderation", is it a bar or a town in Spain? I'm ready to start drinking some beer to, uh, protect my brain. Hope you are all ok.

Mike said...

Simmons - Compared to 100 beers, 10 would be moderate, right?

Bilbo said...

I hope you and Claudia and the rest of your family are all right. I can't believe the continuing selfish ignorance and stupidity of the anti-mask crowd.

John A Hill said...

I really hope you are all okay and that your vaccines do their thing.
Masks were mandated and used everywhere in Mexico. It was just a way of life at this point. Too bad we have such "freedom minded" idiots roaming the state of MO. So many "christians" that don't give a f#!k about their neighbor.

Rajani Rehana said...

God bless you ☺️

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The new Omicron variant spreads 4x more rapidly than Delta apparently. Vaccinations don't keep you from catching it. Time to avoid gatherings again!

Shaw Kenawe said...

I hope you'll all be okay. Yes. Wear a g-d mask! I haven't stopped wearing one even though I'm vaxxed and boostered and flu shot-ed!

I cook in stainless steel, cast iron, and enameled cast iron.

My husband died from Alzheimer's disease. Both his parents had it as well.

Ralph Wiggam said...

Remember the semantic equivalent to "may" is "may not" They have the same meaning and that is non-committal, it tells you nothing. Every time that article says "may" you can substitute "may not" and have the same meaning with different attitude, but not different outcome. Unless there is some indication of the probability, you know no more than you knew before you read the article.

Mike said...

Bill - Totally agree.

John - It is the "Christians" that are the biggest problem.

RR - I need all the blessings I can get.

Deb - I've already passed on two Christmas gatherings this month.

Shaw - We don't have Alzheimer's in our family, just Parkinson's. But I've known people that have had to deal with Alzheimer's family members and it's a long sad process.
Boostered, flued, pneumoniaed, and shingled.

Mike said...

LJ - It's Ralph Wiggum.

Kathy G said...

I rarely use aluminum foil or pans, so I'll cross 'aluminum exposure' off my list of things to worry about.

Before we left for California the kids asked us to do in-home Covid tests. We did. I have another box available in case we need to do it again.

Cloudia said...

Thank you for this fascinating if troubling post . And thank you for reminding us that when you are near someone, you are also near to EVERYONE they've been near! Gosh reminds me of the STD education I provided years back. Wishing you all the best dear pal

Mike said...

Kathy - Or deodorants with aluminum in them? The really strong ones have lots of aluminum.

Cloudia - I know some people that still refuse to get vaccinated.

Lady M said...

Oh yikes - I hope things are ok with the covid.

Mike said...

Lady - Yep, everyone tested negative.