Monday, December 20, 2021

5368 - Monday no themememe

The 7 time wasters.

Distract your OCD friends playing dice.

Under surveillance. 

Lessons 1 thru 9 weren't much better.

If he put them on the other way it would look like he shit in his pants.

I actually saw this sweater on TV when a newscaster was talking about an ugly sweater contest. It was hanging on a rack with a bunch of other sweaters but I had just seen this meme so I spotted it on the rack immediately.

This is one you have to look at and think about.

Yes, we might call it that.


Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for crows. I really like the economy of a funeral and a murder investigation rolled into one...

Ole phat stu said...

How many readers will know the collective nouns for various animals?

BTW where are the dead from a nuclear weapon buried? In a Mass grave.

Bilbo said...

I've seen that meme connecting the Seven Deadly Sins to social media ... it's spot-on, except that I prefer "Entertainment" to "Sloth" for Netflix.

Kathy G said...

I am not OCD, but would find those dice too confusing. Would have to count the pips on the 5 and 6 every time to figure out which one is which.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I laughed at all of them, although "My Crow Brewery" DID take me a minute or two to figure out!

Mike said...

Sue - All while having a beer.

Stu - I've seen lists of all the collective nouns. But the crows get the most attention.
It's where all the relatives are.

Bill - How about slouch as that's how I sit when watching.

Kathy - I actually knew what you were talking about when you said pips. Now THAT'S OCD.

Deb - I think it took me three different times looking at it before I banged my head on the keyboard.

MarkD60 said...

The spell check one is funny. I had seen the sweater before too!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Crows are very intelligent birds. Even when they're involved in murders.

Mike said...

Mark - The sweater was on the screen for about 3 seconds. But it was in the middle of the screen and stuck out like a sore thumb to me.

Shaw - The bigger the murder the smarter they all are.

Cloudia said...

Because it's a murder of crows! Those birds are so smart they creep me out and I love birds. They make the common minor birds here who are delinquents just look like punks

Cloudia said...


Ole phat stu said...

In a school secretary's CV :
I really enjoy givong head
teacher candidates a school tour.

Mike said...

Cloudia - Maybe a mynah is a minor bird.

Stu - I got the joke but I had to find out what a CV was. Curriculum Vitae/resume.

Lady M said...

Ha - I love the my crow brewery.

Mike said...

Lady - It took me a minute to figure that one out.