Thursday, December 23, 2021

5371 - Recall

We actually have a product that has just had a recall. And it makes me want to go...

What's the product. A bed rail that Claudia uses on her side of the bed. 

When I installed this on our bed I took one look at it and thought this needs a little help to work. So I bought a 5 foot body pillow and we have that as a buffer against the rails. It works just fine.

So yesterday I get a recall notice. It seems that some 86 yo guy got himself stuck under the rail and choked himself to death... in 2012. One guy, 10 years ago. 272,000 units sold and one guy died... ten years ago.

Will they give me my money back? Well, they're going to prorate it, and depending on how much you paid you may get little or nothing back. Am I going to get a new improved model? Nope. I'm instructed to throw mine away and...???? 

So did Amazon stop selling them? What's your best guess? Come on, take a guess.

So they have one with a bar across it. It's narrower too. But it looks like you could still get your head stuck in there.

But I still like my pillow solution better for the guard rail I'm NOT going to throw it away.

Covid update. A day late. Six family members tested, all negative. We are good to go. Except I'm not going anywhere. I was at the grocery store last night and there are still about 30% of the people not wearing masks. Assholes!


Elephant's Child said...

I don't think it is legal here to continue selling products that have been subject to a recall.
Good news on the Covid tests. My city has reinstated its mask mandate. They are compulsory in ANY indoor setting. Which I am fine with.

Mike said...

Sue - I don't think the "exact" produce is still being sold. Just 50 more just like it.
I have to hold my tongue when I'm near someone without a mask in a store.

Bilbo said...

Your bed rail story is a true symbol of our times. Glad to hear everyone is Covid negative ... although we live in a pretty good area, I'm seeing more and more people without masks, which is scary at our age and given Agnes's recent heart attack and recurring bronchitis. Sigh.

Kathy G said...

The company should hire you as a consultant. You could make a lot of money 'designing' a pillow.

I was at Schnucks last night and there were WAY more than a third of the people without a mask.

John A Hill said...

Here in SWMO you'd be lucky if 1/3 of the people are wearing masks.
Have I mentioned we seldom go out?

Rajani Rehana said...

God bless you

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I suspect there was a 10 year lag between the one death and the recall notice because of litigation. The recall notice was probably court ordered as a result of a court judgment or settlement in that case.

Cloudia said...

Super glad you dodged the bullet. I'm with you!

Ole Phat Stu said...

How to ensure social distancing : Wear a mask with a photo of the former guy on it ;-)

Lady M said...

Wow - lesson learned - keep your head out of that opening and you will be fine. I hear you about the 30% of wankers in the stores. I had to go out yesterday and today and the people freaked me out. Wear a stinking mask! I hope I dodged Omicron but only time will tell. Really bumping up my immune system though.

Mike said...

Bill - Again, my sister has Covid. No symptoms. If she hadn't taken it upon herself to go get tested when she heard about the person that had it that she was near, she could have been walking around spreading it everywhere.

Kathy - I guess I could get a patent for a new use of a pillow. It might be kind of tough to enforce. I can see me banging on doors hollering "PILLOW POLICE!"

John - This could be the big die-off coming up.

RR - I hope so.

Deb - I can see that for the death. But a recall? One out of 272,000 is pretty good odds of nothing happening to you.

Cloudia - Everyone was relieved. Especially my sister about my granddaughter.

Stu - I've thought about getting a "tRUMP is an "______" (fill in the blank) shirt. But I'd probably be getting into too many fights where I live.

Lady - I've got better places to stick my head than in a bed rail. There are too many people getting omicron not to wear a mask. Too many people are nuts.