Monday, January 24, 2022

5403 - Shining them up

First an interesting problem. When I tried to create a new post (this one) I got a message that said "We're sorry, but the value for the field file name was not valid." Going to the internet was not much help. So I thought what if I update any settings page. Maybe it will reset what is wrong. So I went to settings, down to user profile, didn't change anything, and did a save. Fixed. It would probably work with any other settings page that has a save button also.

Now onto the post!

On Infidel753's link roundup he had a link to the following picture at omghotmemes site.

This is in Prague and it seems some people like to touch a certain area of the statue. Doing that keeps the area on the metal statue nice and shiny. Just like this one outside the Stock Exchange in New York City.

Are there more? Of course there are!

And here's the one that I thought of when I saw the first one. I think I've done a post on this one a while back but not with as many pictures and a video.

And here's a bonus pre-shined male and female statue at a museum. I think the staff will take care of keeping these shined up.


Elephant's Child said...

Predictable aren't we?

Mike said...

Sue - Pleasantly predictable.

Kathy G said...

I had the same problem last night when I tried to create a post. Solved the problem by going to one of my draft posts. Is it just me, or does Blogger seem to be having more and more issues?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Who doesn't like a nice rub?

John A Hill said...

Kathy, thanks for specifying the problem was with posting and not with rubbing hard genitals.

Mike said...

Kathy - You are hereby officially upgraded from tech level 1 to tech level 2. And yes it does seem that way.

Deb - Not me! Raise your hand if you DO like a nice rub. 🙋‍♂️

John - Techies are single-minded.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

omg. The only thing I rubbed was a statue of Derek Jeter. I wonder if the pinstripes wore off? I just wrote a post and I can't get the font and spacing the same. I started another but did it again. So you get it how you get it. :-)

Mike said...

Peg - I stuck with a theme on this post but there are plenty of shiny brass boobs also.

River said...

I don't get why people feel the need to touch statues in public places. I'm a looker, not a toucher. It's not as if touching could make them any harder.

Mike said...

River - A substitute for the real thing?

Bilbo said...

Is it really necessary to keep dicking around like this?

Mike said...

Bill - Yes, yes it is!

SickoRicko said...

Great post! I had the same posting problem yesterday evening and just walked away. It self-corrected a few hours later.

Mike said...

Rick - Kathy had the problem too. Maybe they did a big reset to fix everybody.