From a short article in the Atlantic...
"In the early 1970s, the psychologist David G. Myers conducted a famous experiment on the power of groups. He divided several hundred undergraduates into two camps based on their attitudes toward feminism, creating a conservative cluster and a liberal one. Then he left them all alone to talk (in their own group). When the groups disbanded, the liberal students had become much more liberal, and the conservative students had veered sharply right."
And if you missed Frontline on PBS Tuesday night...
If you watch these, no fair harming yourself. You have to stay here and suffer with the rest of us.
Group think scares me. Perhaps because the thinks I don't agree with are so very LOUD.
Sue - The further from the center they get the louder they get.
Volume and repetition are acceptable substitutes for evidence in modern conservative circles.
The group think experiment explains so much. People today only read and listen to those they agree with. Without an opposing viewpoint things get more and more extreme.
Bill - They have learned that lesson well.
Kathy - I always considered myself an independent. I still do, I just don't vote for Republicans anymore (mostly). I voted for Reagan twice thinking he was going to balance the budget. Not only did he not do that, but he also ran up the biggest deficits ever, at that time. Since then the Republicans have thrown money at their supporters while the Democrats have tried to cut spending. Who knew we would live in a world like this?!
The biggest scum of all has been tRUMP. 7 trillion dollars to corporations and billionaires. Jail will be too good for him when he gets convicted.
Where did this all go really wrong? When someone talked McCain into running with Palin. She was so unqualified to be a national figure, it was just crazy. Ever since then things have really been pushed to the extremes. Since I have to pick, I pick the democratic one. More people get helped.
Thanks for the Frontline link, Mike. I need to watch that one as PBS does a pretty good job with their news especially compared to some other media outlets.
Matt - I think Frontline does some really good in-depth stories.
Darn Scary. I read of a study done about 70s, A group of college students were selected to be the guards of a prison. and the others were prisoners. Over time, they became the characters they played. Guards got nasty. Prisoners were on verge of falling apart. I wonder where I read that?
Susan - Yes, you did read that.
From the 'Atlantic'-article to 'The Library of Babel' and finally to re-read the ten pages in Borges' 'Ficciones'.
Thanks for sending me on an interesting trip tonight, Mike.
As for the rest: Pondering about I'd prefer to live in less interesting times.
The peace of the night.
Sean - Welcome back from your link-hopping expedition.
What a depressing post for me. I am thankful I'm old. I wouldn't wish to be a kid today. If I pass on, so be it, the USA/world is not somewhere I wish to live these days.
Peg - Just stay away from groups.
Why can't more people be like us!?
Ha ha, Cloudia: That made my morning.
Cloudia - Exactly!!!
Sean - I'm glad you commented. I knew Cloudia commented but I didn't make it back here.
My pleasure, Mike. It's nice to start the day with a jolly grin.
Thanks again.
"See" you at Sue's.
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