Friday, February 11, 2022

5421 - Limerick

It's a math limerick. Can you have any more fun with math?! I think not!


Kirk said...

It's not a limerick that's going to stick in my memory, but it's got the rhymes in all the right places, so it qualifies.

Elephant's Child said...


Mike said...

Kirk - It's not quite a Nantucket limerick.

Sue - More clever than me. If they would have told me to come up with a limerick for that equation, I would be working on it for the rest of my life.

Bilbo said...

I've seen this before, and it's as clever as ever. Nevertheless, it is impossible (IMHO) for math to be made fun.

Kathy G said...

Not being a math nerd, I will take it from the author of the poem that the equation does indeed balance.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've seen it all now!

Mike said...

Bill - But its poetry I understand.

Kathy - We need a little balance in our lives. Right? 😁

Deb - Wellllll, maybe. I'll see what I can do.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I think the original was by Betsy Devine.

jenny_o said...

As EC said, clever!

Mike said...

Stu - After a little digging I found her limerick that mentions... YOU!
But the link to your video is dead.
And THEN I found Chuck Pergiels blog which explains the math of the limerick.
What's more interesting, is Betsy left a comment on Chucks' post saying it wasn't her limerick. (She has a blogger account) She made 2 posts to her blog back in 2004 and quit.
But then I found another blog that she uses about once a year. I went back to Sept. 2009, and there you were again with the dead link.

Jenny - Now you can look at Betsy's limerick and be clevered twice.

River said...

That's very clever.

jenny_o said...

Sadly, I dropped my calculus course which I was going as a university correspondence course of 10 lessons. I was struggling by the 8th lesson so decided to take something else for the credit I needed. The relief! I can't even remember what I took instead, but it was clearly not as traumatic :) I'll have to take Betsy's word for it that the limerick works.

Mike said...

Jenny - Betsy's limerick is beyond my math capabilities.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Mike, sorry about the dead links. My old provider at that time went out of business and my links were relative to his base URL. :-(

I got a new provider and my own domain to which all internal links are now relative. Therefore it would be easy to change providers again and all the internal links would work. But I didn't know that at the time :-(

Mike said...

River - I thought so too.

Stu - I didn't know if you knew about all of them. Did you do a youtube video? I couldn't find anything.