Wednesday, March 02, 2022

5440 - Language

Here's a short interesting article about how there will never be a universal language.

Blow it up big!


Kirk said...

“Looky here, Jim; does a cat talk like we do?”

“No, a cat don’t.”

“Well, does a cow?”

“No, a cow don’t, nuther.”

“Does a cat talk like a cow, or a cow talk like a cat?”

“No, dey don’t.”

“It’s natural and right for ‘em to talk different from each other, ain’t it?”


“And ain’t it natural and right for a cat and a cow to talk different from US?”

“Why, mos’ sholy it is.”

“Well, then, why ain’t it natural and right for a FRENCHMAN to talk different from us? You answer me that.”

“Is a cat a man, Huck?”


“Well, den, dey ain’t no sense in a cat talkin’ like a man. Is a cow a man? – er is a cow a cat?”

“No, she ain’t either of them.”

“Well, den, she ain’t got no business to talk like either one er the yuther of ‘em. Is a Frenchman a man?”


“WELL, den! Dad blame it, why doan’ he TALK like a man? You answer me DAT!”

--The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Mike said...

Kirk - Did you have to type all that out?

Kirk said...

Mike, if I did I'd STILL be typing. The entire text is online.

It's what immediately came to mind when I read that article.

Ol' Simmons said...

There is no I in "weed" but there is a "we" so pass that joint over here. I love the English language. Cheers!

Bilbo said...

We need to have lots of different languages to give us a range of possible curse words to use.

Kathy G said...

Bilbo's comment is going to be my takeaway from all of this :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Isn't music the international language?

Mike said...

Simmons - The existing English language goes up in smoke a little bit every day.

Bill - A topic for a post. A really long post!

Kathy - Look some up and try them out today.

Deb - HmmmmMMMMMmmmmmm.

cleemckenzie said...

Interesting article, Mike. As a recovering linguist, I'm always interested in reading about language and culture. Thanks for sending me the link. said...

The English language has changed quite radically since I was in elementary school. I'm all for the same language, only if it's going to NOT be English. But I'm not for the same language at all. I just wish I was fluent in other languages.

Mike said...

CLM - You're welcome.

Robyn - I barely passed Spanish in high school.

River said...

Languages may be different, but money is always understood.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I did an article on language usage recently.
Read it here :-

Mike said...

River - You just have to know the exchange rate for the day.

Stu - Yep, I was there. And so were a lot of other people. You got a lot of action on that post.