Thursday, April 21, 2022

5492 - Beauty is brain deep

Beauty is brain deep: Why face and form are more alluring to men than women.

There’s an anatomical brain divide as wide as the wingspan of a pelican. It’s on full display on the sunny shores of Miami: Most men gawk at a bodacious bikini babe tanning herself on a towel spread out on the hot sand. But when a dude struts across the surf in his banana hammock, most ladies grimace (some even gag) regardless of how buff he may be.

Chinese scientists, in 2016, subjected 41 young adults to functional MRI while they perused pictures of attractive members of the opposite sex. Unsurprisingly, they reported that checking out hotties fires up the brains of men and women alike. The more beautiful the person in the picture, the more electrical activity surged in the caudate nucleus (part of which modifies movement, part of which (striatum) imparts warm feelings of reward) and the prefrontal cortex (an area that controls executive function).

The researchers recorded an additional gush, which flowed only in the brains of the male volunteers: A particular nucleus in the right-sided amygdala (an area of the brain involved in emotions and memories), in only the male subjects, lit up on the fMRI in response to attractive women.


Elephant's Child said...

Beauty is such a subjective thing...

River said...

She looks to me like she forgot her dress and went out in her underwear. Because surely no sane woman would wear stockings and long gloves with a bikini?
Banana hammocks are never a good look, no matter how 'hot' the man may be.

Bilbo said...

My right-sided amygdala is perfectly healthy, thank you.

Kathy G said...

It doesn't surprise me at all that men's and women's brains perform differently.

Shaw Kenawe said...

My brain lit up when I saw the dog. Dogs are so lovable.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Isn't the amygdala also known as our "lizard brain"?

Mike said...

Sue - Definitely true.

River - And I was going to buy a banana hammock and post a picture just for all the girls here. Oh well.

Bill - As is mine.

Kathy - That's what probably keeps the human race going.

Shaw - That dog is what I would call a "lucky dog".

Deb - Nope, your thinking of the brain stem at the top of the neck. Kids born without a brain usually still have a brain stem that can keep the body functioning.

Mr. Shife said...

Can confirm. I felt more electrical activity when I saw the photo of the lady.

Mike said...

Matt - I'm feeling it now.

Cloudia said...

Vive la difference!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I did not give you permission mister to use my photo on your blog!!

Mike said...

Cloudia - It would be boring without it.

Peg - You can't fool me. She's way to ... tall!