Wednesday, May 18, 2022

5519 - The transfer - phase 2

Continued from the previous post...

I. So we wait the 5 days and the base unit finally shows up.

This is a cell phone.

Back of unit.

J. I call CC. Plug the unit in. The antenna indicator is ...RED. No signal. CC works on it some more. CC calls A to see if the transfer is done. CC says it should be good to go now. It's not. And now there is no dial tone on the old A phone. Ah progress. Now my MIL has zero phone service. CC says wait until the next day and reset the base unit.

K. It's the next day. I try resetting the base unit. Doesn't work. I call CC. They have me do all the stuff over again. They say take the base unit outside and see if will pick up a signal. Nope, it won't. CC decides the sim card in the base unit needs to be replaced. We'll express ship it to you. (I think I've missed some other stuff that happened during this time.)

L. The next day I get an email from the post office about a package that will show up in 3 - 5 days. I call CC. (Remember I've never talked to the same person twice at CC.) CC tells me they don't ship sim cards express. So the sim card will show up on Friday, two weeks after all this crap started.

M. My MIL says maybe we should just cancel everything and go back to A. I tell her that if she thinks this is a can of worms, try and undo what's been started. So nope, we're not going back. I've been listening for years about how expensive AT&T's service is. We're going to stick this out to the end.

To be continued...


Kirk said...

What is that? A cell phone with rabbit ears?

Elephant's Child said...

And a few colourful expletives.

Mike said...

Kirk - It's a cell phone that you plug a regular phone into. Then you can use your regular phone over the cell phone network.

Sue - The fun keeps going.

Ol' Simmons said...

The 2nd best thing about being MIL.

River said...

I was wondering how that things could possibly be a cell phone. Now I know it's a base for the regular old phone. I hope it all gets sorted quicker than expected and MIL is back on the phone soon.

Bilbo said...

No matter what the topic, any time I contact any "customer service" number, I write a note summarizing the date, time, name of the person with whom I spoke (no guarantee they gave me a correct name, of course), and the full details of the conversation. It doesn't always help, but it can help put them on the defensive if they know I'm keeping detailed notes. Good luck.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Forward, ever forward!

Kathy G said...

Your story reminds me of doing a home repair project, where you have to make at least three trips to the hardware store.

jenny_o said...

I feel your pain. And was unsurprised that your MIL considered cancelling it all. lol

Sorry to lol. I'm immensely happy it's not me doing this or something similar, but I do feel badly about you going through it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

No one deserves this torture!

Mike said...

Simmons - They are a special kind of person.

River - She is back in business.

Bill - I'll start by doing that. But by the time you've talked to the tenth person, it doesn't do much good.

Deb - One step forward, two steps back.

Kathy - Yep, the one day project that takes two weeks to finish.

Jenny - I was like OH hell NO!

Shaw - This is the modern capitalistic phone system. And it doesn't look like there is any going back on it. said...

Oy vey, Mike. I'm sorry about A and CC and the MIL and the damn AT&T. It sounds a bunch of BS to me.

Mike said...

Robyn - BS to the max!