Monday, May 30, 2022

5531 - Memorial day and a point

I'm sure there will be some people that will take him up on this. Happy Memorial Day.

And speaking of granite head dumbshits...


Elephant's Child said...

How I wish that much more research money was poured into finding a cure of stupidity. And jerkdom.
It is a public holiday here today as well. Reconciliation Day. Our First People have been neglected/abused/disrespected for far too long. Small steps are being made. Strides are needed.

Mike said...

Sue - I don't know if we have a native American day or not. ... I just looked it up. It's September 23rd.

Bilbo said...

My mother used to say that the use of curse words indicated the lack of sufficient intellect to think of something appropriate to say. I think that if she were still with us and looking at the state of the country and the world, she'd be cursing like a longshoreman.

Anonymous said...

Kcuf . like Fuck but for backward people

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Both of these are hilarious!

John A Hill said...

I definitely say fuck a lot more than I used to.

Mike said...

Bill - I know the past week I've been F bombing the TV every time I see a republican talking about "mental illness" instead of gun control.

Anon - ouy kcuf - That's a good t-shirt slogan that would show up correctly in a mirror.

Deb - I agree.

John - Me too.

Martha said...

HAHA! Both of these are hilarious. And I agree. There isn't a strong enough word these days for some moments!

Kathy G said...

I've always said that fuck should be the ultimate curse...a word used sparingly, in very extreme conditions. When people throw it around like a normal word, it takes away the meaning.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yep! I need that stronger word as well.

Mike said...

Martha - And "I" agree.

Kathy - So do we need some new words? I wonder what it would take to get a new cuss word going... Remember, the latest research says that people that cuss are more intelligent. said...

I agree. We need a word stronger than the f-bomb. Perhaps you can coin one, Mike? I'll think on it too.

Cloudia said...

Your disgust for them is a tonic!

Mike said...

Robyn - It may be kind of difficult since the F-bomb is becoming as universal as the finger.

Cloudia - Are you pumped up?!

River said...

I haven't used the F word a lot so it is still strong enough for me. Perhaps you could learn it in different languages and throw it around that way.

Mike said...

River - I think every language has a version if not the same word for it.