Remember post 5604?
Well, I've still got it. it's not getting any better. I called the ENT doc and
asked what's next? I think he was waiting before calling me hoping it would
get better on its own. It's not.
The nurse called me back. She said the next thing to try is a
Laryngeal ElectroMyoGraphy. What that? They stick needles in your throat
(in the neck). LEMG gives specific information as to whether the nerve
input into a particular muscle is normal or abnormal. In other words, it's an
EKG of your voice box.
I haven't heard back from them after calling on Tuesday.
You know where laryngitis is the biggest pain in the butt? At the fast food drive-thru. I always start with, "Can you hear me?" Most say yes. Others say drive around to the window.
And then I found this...
Did I mention before that when they did a chest CT scan they saw an aortic aneurism? It's only 2 or 3 cm and they don't get worried unless it's 5 cm or more. Unless you're showing other symptoms, like hoarseness. My cardiologist is going to check it after 3 months to see if it's getting bigger. Maybe that's what everyone is waiting for but nobody has told me that.
I found all this info by surfing the net.
I am so sorry to read this - and hope that the procedure gives you some answers and some treatment options.
Sue - I added some info right after you commented.
I think you should take this info straight to your doctor and demand some action.
River - I'm going to make a few calls today.
Do it NOW
Good luck. Growing old is not for sissies.
I hope you get some answers soon - the not knowing is so stressful.
Anon - Working on it.
Kathy - Ain't that the truth!
Lady - Nobody seems in a hurry to tell me anything.
Oh geez! Not happy to hear this. Stay positive and I hope you find an answer to this malady soon.
Sending good vibes to you.
Shaw - Like I said above, no one seems to be in any hurry to do anything.
Sorry you're going through this. Best wishes!
Allen - Right now it's more of a nuisance than anything else.
Make sure you get on this right away. If the Republicans regain control, your medical care will be in the toilet, along with your Social Security and Medicare.
Eek! This is the point where, if it was me, the anxiety would kick in big time. I'm glad to read in your replies that you're going to follow up right away, for peace of mind if nothing else. It doesn't feel good to be reduced to surfing the net for vital answers. I did this a lot when my husband started having symptoms from his esophageal cancer, because the CT his doctor ordered was so long in coming. Good luck and keep us updated.
Bill - Scary isn't it? I think that's what the next 50 years are going to be like. One side changing laws and the other side changing them back.
Jenny - I think they have eliminated cancer and are now looking at that aortic aneurysm, maybe.
It helps when there's SOME progress, at least.
It would be good to get beyond having to surf the net and to getting some real answers. I hope all goes well!
Jenny - Agree.
Martha - Thanks. The info I got was from NIH and the Cleavland Institute. So I trust the info. I don't know if I completely trust my interpretation of it.
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