Friday, October 21, 2022

5675 - Halloweens memes

I've been collecting Halloween memes. I was going to post them on Halloween. But if I wait too much longer they may show up on other blogs first so I'm jumping the gun. 


Kirk said...

That second one had me laughing out loud.

River said...

I love those climbing skeletons on the house!

Mike said...

Kirk - Joke for Halloween... Did you hear about the witch with a broom up her butt? She got rear-ended.

River - That's a homeowner with a tall ladder.

Elephant's Child said...

Love the squirrels contribution.

John A Hill said...

Good stuff here. If I wasn't such a curmudgeon I'd use some of these ideas and decorate.
Might as well start early.

Mike said...

Sue - Who knew they had an artistic side.

John - You need to get this done before you have to start your new job.

Bilbo said...

I don't think my HOA would like that one either, but it would almost be worth it to try.

Kathy G said...

Having recently been around throwing tantrum, melting-down toddlers, the two-year-old and 'pants' made me crack up!

Lady M said...

Enjoyed so many of these as you knew I would but standouts include the decorating in the retirement home and the satanic socialists. Happy Halloween.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good collection, Mike! I stole several -- thanks!

Mike said...

Bill - I say go for it!

Kathy - I had to look at that one twice before I figured it out. I think he's actually wearing "old man" pants.

Lady - I thought you might like "a few" of these. 😁

Deb - Some of these may have tracking tags embedded in them. If you hear helicopters, HIDE!

BootsandBraids said...

I actually gasped at the background of the retirement home. Shockingly bad taste.

Mike said...

Shirley - So you're not going to try and find some to put up in your get-together room?

allenwoodhaven said...

These are great! HalloWeiners has got to be the most disgusting "food" I've ever seen. For humanity's sake, I hope it's not real. If it is, may god save us all! We apparently need it very badly...

Mike said...

Allen - I checked and they are just a Halloween prank darn it. I was looking forward to some HalloWieners!

Martha said...

That first one! BAHAHAHA And 39 cents for demons is a great deal with this inflation.

Mike said...

Martha - I could put a few demons to work right now.