Wednesday, April 05, 2023

5842 - tRUMP

I have a feeling this count is going to go up.

An absolute pinhead.

tRUMPs new moniker - Donny Fish Mouth

Fingers crossed!

Use proper English please... SHIT out tRUMP.

He is the witch.

And you have lots of company.

Push a button, any button.


Bilbo said...

For a bunch of people who are always laughing at how sensitive we commie pinko ratbastard libtards are, they sure are sensitive about a lot of things, aren't they?

Kathy G said...

History was made yesterday.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good ones! The MAGA triggers one is especially on point.

Lady M said...

MAGA Triggers also needs to include Mexicans, wind farms, and Renaissance art.

Shaw Kenawe said...

All of these are great. I may even steal some!

Mike said...

One typo fixed... on the first line... sheesh... 🤦‍♂️

Bill - Too many to count.

Kathy - And one day we can tell our grandkids... wait...

Deb - There is one button that's not marked. Maybe that's the "ALL" button.

Lady - There's not enough room for all the buttons needed on that little guy.

Shaw - I'll have to check with the bloggers I stole them from first. 😇

Kirk said...

Shat? Because it's being used in past tense? And all this time I've been using the word with an "i" no matter what the tense. I guess my profanity vocabulary isn't what I thought it was.

Mike said...

Kirk - I thought shit was all encompassing. But the dictionary does say shat is past tense. I just thought it was a British word.

Martha said...

HAHAHA! These are hilarious. A great way to start my day.

Mike said...

Martha - Glad I could help.

River said...

How did I miss this post? It's funny. I'm just disappointed he isn't shuffling around in shackles.

Mike said...

River - I know what you mean about missing posts. It happens to me too.