Tuesday, April 25, 2023

5862 - Tuesday lazy jokes

Jokes that I was too lazy to type out.



Cloudia said...

Thanks Mike

Mike said...

Cloudia - And to you too. 😁

Elephant's Child said...

Thanks for the smiles.
That was obviously a very high curb.

Bilbo said...

You really don't want to trip and fall in front of the wrong people.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Buy some boots that fit, HAHAHAHAHA!

John A Hill said...

Must have been a pretty high curb...

Kathy G said...

The salad dressing one was one of my dad's favorite jokes. Thanks for the memory.

Mike said...

Sue - I'm sure the Marines kept trying to help the guy up.

Bill - At least they were nice enough not to stab him back.

Deb - That punch line sneaks up on you.

John - He probably kept climbing back up and falling off again. Some people never learn.

Mr. Shife said...

I thought the cowboy was going to be my favorite but the tomato won in the end. Thanks, Mike.

River said...

Hah! Buy some boots that fit :)
And the saxophones :)

allenwoodhaven said...

Love the cowboy boots. Gotta learn that one. And the assailant learned the meaning of that particular word!

Mike said...

Matt - I knew you were a dad joke kind of guy.

River - The saxophones guy was just doing what he was told. Right?

Allen - Remind me never to wear cowboy boots.