Wednesday, April 26, 2023

5863 - Antidepressant anyone?

Are you happy playing in the dirt? Here's why...

"Is Mycobacterium vaccae an antidepressant?
Did you know that there's a natural antidepressant in soil? It's true. Mycobacterium vaccae is the substance under study and has indeed been found to mirror the effect on neurons that drugs like Prozac provide. The bacterium is found in soil and may stimulate serotonin production, which makes you relaxed and happier."


Elephant's Child said...

I do indeed like grubbing in the dirt and it always improves my mood.

Mike said...

Sue - Next time someone tells you to wash your hands... NO!

River said...

I like working in the garden but I'm allergic to moulds, so it's a bit of a problem for me. Masks get too hot after a while so I take too many breaks.

Bilbo said...

Just one of the many reasons I love working in my garden!

Shaw Kenawe said...

I live in the city. The closest I come to playing in dirt is when I repot my houseplants. Now I know why that makes me so calm, so happy!

Kathy G said...

And since I don't have a garden anymore, I've taken to pulling weeds in the neighborhood common ground to get my lift.

John A Hill said...

Walking in the woods does the same thing without digging in the dirt, especially in a damp forest floor.

River - I've found a wet bandana or gator to work well as a cooling mask during warmer weather.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So THAT'S why people love to garden!

Mike said...

River - I've taken allergy tests and I'm slightly allergic to mold. Not enough to keep me from digging in the dirt.

Bill - I almost pulled some wild onions and sent them to you. ... almost.

Shaw - Dirt is dirt. Maybe we should sleep on a bed of dirt.

Kathy - Sounds like an HOA violation! 😁

John - Right, remember the post about the high you get from walking in the woods?

Deb - I heard the FDA is going to make dirt a class 1 narcotic. 😂

Kirk said...

Pig-Pen is vindicated.

Martha said...

Makes sense! And that's why I enjoy gardening and being out in nature.

Lady M said...

Love playing in the dirt!

Mike said...

Kirk - Absolutely!

Martha - Lots of sense.

Lady - Dirt, the new(old) drug.