This just happened to be the first tree picture this week.
"Parody inversion" explained
48 minutes ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
Nice selection Mike. So pine trees have terpines?
Cloudia - Wikipedia says... Furthermore, terpenes are produced from terpenoids and many terpenoids are produced from terpenes. Both have strong and often pleasant odors, which may protect their hosts or attract pollinators. The number of terpenes and terpenoids is estimated at 55,000 chemical entities.
Magical. We saw a tree that is estimated to be over 350 years old today. I thought of you when I took its photo.
The house where I grew up was located next to a large pine forest in Pennsylvania. It smelled wonderful and we used to spend lots of time chilling there. Wish I still could.
#3 with all the corellas reminds me of trees I used to see here, before they were cut down because the corellas made such a mess by dropping pine needles and cones.
#14 looks like it is wearing knitted beanies.
I love the spiral on #17.
Cool selection! Trees are the best. We planted four on our property last year and I'm hoping to add at least one or two more.
Giving Red Bull to a woodpecker, LOL!
Sue - Did you hug it? Some of that longevity may have rubbed on to you.
Bill - No forest in the inner city for me. But I did have a fairly good sized park 5 blocks from me.
River - I had to check #14 to make sure it wasn't fake.
Martha - I send $25 to the Arbor Day Foundation every year and they send me 10 tree seedlings or bushes. They usually have three 'packages' to pick from. This year they sent the wrong one so I gave it to our parks department.
Deb - I finally blew that picture up to give it a closer look and the woodpecker is in the cut at the bottom of the tree.
Since you gave your saplings to the local parks department, do you think you'll get a commemorative sign next to at least one of them?
Kathy - We already have one by a magnolia tree that we adopted. But I could see if they would put a plack by all 10 of them!
These are all great; thanks! #15 is my favorite. Love the way it reaches for the sky.
Allen - It definitely had a handicap to start.
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