Friday, April 28, 2023

5865 - Heavy metal

Yes I do! I like certain heavy metal songs. I think I've mentioned this before, I like particular songs, not groups or singers. Some people like every song their favorite singer does. I probably like one or two of their songs. Remember the old days? One good song and eleven filler songs on an album? 

Anyway, where was I going with this? ... OH YEAH! I found this great group that does old metal songs. They're called Liliac. But first, how did I find them? Well, this caught my attention, oh yeah it did!

And right after that was this...

That last one got me wondering who they were. Here's the whole video...

They got started by playing for free on a dock at Pacific Park. They were eventually not allowed to play there anymore because they were drawing too many people.

Here's an interview with the five brothers and sisters, and dad.

Here is a progression video about the drummer but you hear the whole band. It's twenty minutes but you can jump segments to quickly see how they sounded when they first started compared to now.

One more rockin' song!


Elephant's Child said...

Liliac rather than Lilian. Loved the way even quite small children were dancing to and with them.

Bilbo said...

Well, I have to say that heavy metal still doesn't do anything for me. But then, I like Gregorian Chants ...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, they're great! They'd put their boot right up the Partridge Family's ass!

John A Hill said...

Very enjoyable!
Thanks for the introduction. I'll have to follow them.
Most of the music (metal or otherwise) is old stuff.
I should probably join the rest of the world and keep up with some of this new stuff. I didn't know there were still groups putting out this kind of stuff.

Ole phat Stu said...

I still have a bunch of old metal vinyl LPs dating back from the sixties . E.g Black Sabbath. All first presses

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the introduction to the group.

Mike said...

Sue - They seem to have a following of all ages.

Bill - Gregorian Chants are the original heavy metal.

Deb - To say the very least!

John - It was a nice accident that I found them.

Stu - I have a few albums (30-40?) but I wasn't much of a collector.

Kathy - They come to the St. Peters Diamond Music Hall once a year Usually in July.

Mr. Shife said...

I can certainly see why Lilian caught your eye.

Mike said...

Matt - So you noticed too?

River said...

I'm not a fan of heavy metal but I'll have a listen when I have more time.

Chief Squirrel said...

They are great! Have you heard this one? Bringing musicians from around the world to collaborate.

Mike said...

River - Maybe these kids will convert you.

CS - I've seen something like that but not this one. Layla would be a good song for Liliac with the singer's husky voice.

Speaking of coordinated playing, have you seen Rockin'1000 videos?
After you watch that, go to...
I did a post on this a while back.
And CITYROCKS does group get-togethers all over...

Martha said...

My brother introduced me to heavy metal when we were in our teens. It's not my favourite style but there are some bands and songs I like. This group is really good!

Mike said...

Martha - They should be around for a long time if all those siblings can be nice to one another.