MAGA - In Russian.
Of course there's an argument on the exact translation. So you have many choices. You can also find a cap where you can have your own version printed on it. In whatever font you want.
The title line was from another correction of the Russian translation.
I haven't decided on getting one yet because of sizing. I have a big head.
Sigh. I cannot see America being made great while Trump (or his acolytes) are at the helm. I can see it grating. On rather a lot of people and nations.
She's Right!
I refuse to wear a red baseball cap any more, no matter what it says on it.
Just about sums it up.
I'll add to Bilbo's comment that the St. Louis Cardinals have fine red baseball caps :-)
Sue - Very true.
Cloudia - Agree to the max!
Bill - I feel your pain. But as Kathy mentions below, the Cardinals.
Deb - Definitely on point.
Kathy - Red caps with the Cardinals logo! Although, I have seen other color caps with the logo.
Do they come in other colours with different slogans?
River - Any color, any slogan you want.
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