Tuesday, May 16, 2023

5883 - The panic monster

I think I may have posted this a long time ago. But it still holds true for me today. Procrastination, my constant companion. This video is about 15 minutes but it holds your attention because it's funny. The guy did a good job of putting this together... at the last minute.

So what did you think of that? Fun eh? I ran across it while I was looking at this...


A neighborhood in Dubia. This lead me to google maps looking at Dubia trying to find this place. I couldn't find it but I did see a lot of similar housing in and around Dubia. I guess it's all so new and built so recently that it all looks the same. So go to google maps and look up Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Don't worry, the panic monster is sleeping.


Elephant's Child said...

I would hate to live in an area where all the houses/apartments looked the same...

River said...

Ditto what EC said. Miles and miles of highrise housing commission flats for example.
I have a panic monster who usually wakes up five minutes before I write my Words for Wednesday stories.

Mike said...

Sue - You would absolutely have to rely on the computer to find your house.

River - The panic monster and I have become close companions over the years.

Bilbo said...

And I thought that some of our cookie-cutter neighborhoods here in the USA were bad ...

Shaw Kenawe said...

From a distance, this looked like a sweater my grandma made me years ago, with a seam right up the center back.

Nice even stitches!

John A Hill said...

I used to be an amateur crastinator.
Now I'm a pro-crastinator.

Mr. Shife said...

Good thing alcohol/drugs are banned or there would be a lot of folks going to the wrong house after a night out.

Mike said...

Bill - These are professional cookie cutter.

Shaw - I'm sure those houses are lined up straight as an arrow.

John - Me too. I'm working on the next level now.

Matt - They may do that anyway.

Ami said...

My son sent me that video a long time ago. It's soooo true. Add in the whole ADHD thing I have going on and it's a recipe for wtf-ness.

Dubai scares me. In many ways.

Mike said...

Ami - I didn't agree with combining ADD and ADHD together. If there is something I'm not, it's hyperactive.