Wednesday, May 17, 2023

5884 - Exercise

Exercise meme day


Elephant's Child said...

Smiling - except at the woman flossing her butt. How uncomfortable.

Kirk said...

Ha! Great comeback in that second meme.

Mike said...

Sue - And yet they are big sellers of which I am grateful. 😁

Kirk - That's my excuse too!

Bilbo said...

I can use some of these workarounds with my post-knee-replacement physical therapy. Thanks, Mike!

Kathy G said...

I hope to be like the woman in the last one when I grow up.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahaha, that first one is pure genius!

Mike said...

Bill - Start using cookies ASAP.

Kathy - We'll go to the gym together. I'll be the guy with the newspaper.

Deb - Proof to your doctor you're exercising!

Cloudia said...

Thanks, Mike

River said...

Teacher: class, change clothes for gym please.
Student: who's this Jim and can I see him first?

Martha said...

HAHAHAHAHA! The first one is the best.

Mike said...

Cloudia - 😄

River - Got your martini ready?

Martha - Proof for your health insurance that you exercise.