Friday, May 19, 2023

5886 - Plants are people too

Here is a recent video on the intelligence of plants.


This is a long TED talk so I started it at 7 minutes. It also has bad sound so you have to turn up your computer's sound to hear the guy. But then he has video snippets he shows you where the sound is normal so it blasts you but not for long. Have fun watching.


Kirk said...

Joni Mitchell wasn't kidding when she sang about the hissing of summer lawns.

Mike said...

Kirk - One day there will be a lawn revolt.

Elephant's Child said...

My vegetarian, gardening self feels guilty. Is guilty.

Mike said...

Sue - Is there a confession booth for plants?

Bilbo said...

I prefer to think of my roses as thankful when I prune them so they look nicer, and of my vegetables and herbs as joyfully sacrificing themselves out of love for my palate.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This is precisely why I don't grow house plants.

Mike said...

Bill - I saw a joke yesterday about a guy spending $140 in materials, working for 12 weeks in the garden, just to get a $.25 tomato.

Deb - Are you a member of "House Plants are People Too!"?

Cloudia said...

And all the trees communicate through the fungal network underground even sharing resources. Crows gather when one of them has been killed and have an inquest which scientists claim is really an attempt to understand what happened. The conscious universe seems a lot more believable to me these days

Mr. Shife said...

Great. Another thing to feel guilty about.

Kathy G said...

Fascinating stuff.

John A Hill said...

This is why we need those food replicators they have on Star Trek. Then we can make food from our poop and other waste products of our society.

Mike said...

Cloudia - I think I did a post on the fungal network a while back. But this seems to be updated info.

Matt - Unless... you don't feel guilty... BWAHAHAHAHA

Kathy - I agree.

John - I had one of those but threw it away! I guess I should have kept it!