Nail on the head meme.
Some good news:
2 hours ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
Painfully true.
Sue - Totally agree.
Flashpoint of anger? I don't really see it like that. It's unfortunate that those people died, but they knew, if anything went wrong, they were fukt.
New things cannot be regulated until the dangers become apparent, Wright Brothers crashed their plane, there were no safety regulations in place then, but there are now.
the subs hull was apparently becoming weaker and weaker with every dive. It was a hard lesson learned.
I'm pretty sure Titan was operating in international waters, not under any paricular jurisdicton. An even harder area o regulate.
I hadn't even though about the points MarkD60 brought up, but they're all valid.
Nailed it.
Glad to see you are back.
Truth! Deal makers have dealt us all out!
Bill - I can't find "shack" anywhere.
Deb - I think so.
Mark - "New things cannot be regulated until the dangers become apparent," But this isn't a new thing. It's just a bad copy of an existing thing. Submersibles have been to the bottom of the Mariana trench, 35K, many times. They don't implode because they are designed and tested correctly. "weaker and weaker with every dive" It was it's third dive. It was a defective POS. One of the original design team members was fired because he said as much.
Kathy - See above. 😁
Matt - I'm back but not fully functional yet.
Cloudia - We need Eisenhower back with his 90% tax on the rich.
The trip cost $250,000 a passenger, well beyond my dictated-to-by-the-rich price range. Of course, even though they didn't know it at the time, the passengers ended up paying much more than that, what you would call the ultimate price. This time at least, it was more of a bargain to be a member of the proletariat.
Kirk - I've always been a bargain hunter.
I have ridden self built motorcycles, driven self built cars, flown self built planes etc because I knew what I was doing. But a sub? No. Only if it has been certified by a professional agency.
Stu - Over here a self built anything thing would still have to be certified before it could go on public roads or in the air.
The exact way we approach the climate crises. Head in the sand bull crap.
Lady - Until coastal cities start going under water, no one is going to care much. Even though, I think it's Miami, some cities are getting flooded at high tide.
You know, airplanes started that way too...a lot of medicine and medical techniques oh yeah and computers. No judgement here just perspective.
Jackie - I know, but submersibles have been around a long time. It should have been certified by an agency that knew what design errors to look for.
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