Some old memes that needed reposting to drive the OCD people in your life crazy.
Find the invisible cow
44 minutes ago
There are billions of people and a version of normal to go along with each one of them. No two versions are exactly the same. There will be hundreds of thousands of little things that make up your version of normal. With any luck you can find people that have close to the same idea of what normal is that you do. These are your friends. Anyone else you try to tolerate as best you can. .... The exact definition of normal depends on who's running the asylum.
I really don't need to be driven any crazier.
LoL 🤣
I really like those electrical wires all neatly laid out, but those tiles! #1 & #13, I'd have to call the tiler back and get thse fixed. #16 is funny. #14, how could any building inspector pass that??
Sue - It's a new goal to strive for.
Cloudia - I'd like to incorporate all these into my house.
River - 14- I have a corner like that in my house. It's just the way the framing lines up. 1- It looks like someone really pissed the tile guy off.
Hard to pick a favourite, LOL, they're all so good!
I’m with Elephant’s Child. Although in my case, I don’t need to be driven crazy … it’s just a short putt.
This series drove me batty the first time I saw it. It still does.
you have no idea how many of these would drive me absolutely bonkers. I admit it, I have ocd in situations like this. My God that tile! But I'd hire that electrician. :-)
Deb - Aren't they? I want to do all of them.
Bill - The ball is just hanging on the lip of the cup, right?
Kathy - I may have to pay you a visit. 😁
Peg - I was thinking of you when I posted this. And now you have Kathy to keep you company.
The framing should not line up like that. I know builders who would die of shame.
I must be OCD because these images are driving me nuts!
River - Sometimes the fix takes way longer than it's worth.
Lady - hmmm... another OCD person to pick on. 😆
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