Another blogger found a new word search from the NY Times called Strands.
Here's what a completed puzzle looks like...
The puzzle was called "Do the do". So I was looking for hairdo words. Finding words that aren't one of the seven answer words gets you free hints after you find three of them.
This is harder than it looks (for me).
When I need to solve a puzzle, I'll try to figure out why on earth anyone would support a ghastly political nonentity like Der Furor.
I'm already doing the NYTimes' Spelling Bee, Connections, Tiles, Crossword, and Wordle every day. Now this? I'll never get anything done! LOL!
I like word puzzles more than number puzzles, so I'll give this one a try.
Looks very challenging indeed!
Bill - That's an unwinnable puzzle.
Shaw - You're a puzzle maniac!
Kathy - It's not my fault if you get hooked!
Deb - It was for me.
I prefer crossword puzzles.
Thank you, Mike
Anon - If I was in prison and they said you can get out when you solve this crossword puzzle, I'd be in prison for life.
Cloudia - Have fun with it!
I found five.
Interesting, I see Mohawk, Topknot, Dreads, Braid, Beehive and Ponytail.
Kirk - If the same puzzle came up for you, all seven are in my example.
River - And hairstyle.
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