Monday, May 27, 2024

6231 - Memorial Day

My son and I spent many a Memorial Day putting out flags at Jefferson Barracks Cemetary.


Bilbo said...

Good man.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. timberdawn

John A Hill said...

There is a peacefulness and comfort in the symmetry of our National Cemeteries.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Thank you.
did you go to Arlington Cemetary when you were in DC?

Cloudia said...

Thank you. Blessings 🙏🏽

Mike said...

TD - Thanks.

John - They are definitely "inline".

Peg - We didn't make it there.

Cloudia - Thanks.

Kirk said...

That's a great picture at the top of the post.

Mike said...

Kirk - When you start putting out flags it looks like an impossible task. But after a while, you're looking for areas that haven't been flagged yet. said...

Very loving and thoughtful of you and your son. Thank you.

Be well, Mike.

Mike said...

Robyn - The two of us and a thousand other scouts and leaders.