Sunday, June 16, 2024

6241 - Long joke Sunday

"I've invited you all to this press conference to tell you that my experiments in Parthian-genesis have proven highly successful."
"Professor, you mean parthenogenesis, right? Like in asexual reproduction?"
"No, I didn't mean that at all. Why would you think that?"
"Anyway, I also invited you to warn that Rome had better improve its defenses pretty darn soon."

Pun writer explains pun...
Parthenogenesis, literally "virgin birth", is when a creature gives birth asexually. Occurs in some species, and could possibly be generated in humans?
The Parthians were a people that the ancient Romans had beefs with.
So Parthian-genesis would be the birth or creation of Parthians...
Obscure pun, but it was stuck in my head.

A commenter harasses the pun writer...
The Parthians were not obscure. Anyone with a passable amount of history knowledge will get this joke.

Another commenter comes up with a secondary pun...
It's a bit of a long road to get to the punchline, but you know what they say about all roads.


Elephant's Child said...


Bilbo said...

I got up for that? I'm going back to bed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Very erudite!

Ole Phat Stu said...

All Parths lead to roam?

Mike said...

Sue - I know...

Bill - A good move.

Deb - My erudition was very low on this one.

Stu - There are many Parths in India. And they could just be wandering around.

Kathy G said...

I'd pass this one on to the punsters in my life, but would forget most of the details.

Kirk said...

Ha! Admit I did not see that coming. Who says when you explain a joke it's no longer funny?

S M McBean said...

Why warn Rome when it's in Athens?

Mike said...

Kathy - Don't do it. They'll make you explain it.

Kirk - This one needed explaining.

SMB - Athens was in the Roman Empire and there was a road between them.

River said...


Cloudia said...

I don't want to interrupt the argument you were having with yourself. Often do it myself. Mike!

Mike said...

River - It's funny in an intellectual sort of way.

Cloudia - That wasn't me. I'm not that smart.

Lady M said...

Hmm - I agree with meh.

Mike said...

Lady - 😥