Monday, June 24, 2024

6245 - Fatboy Slim

I went to my granddaughter's dance show the other night. She was in one routine, near the end, of the 4 hour show. 😵 But the acro jazz dancing was good and the music was good so it didn't seem THAT long. 😵 I heard this one song that I had never heard before. It's a toe-tapper IF you can tap that fast. It's from Moulin Rouge. I looked up the album for Moulin Rouge and there are 33 songs so you might not remember this even if you've been to a show. But this song would be hard to forget.

It was written by Fatboy Slim who is neither fat nor slim.

If you need a beat to do some cleaning to, get ready. You'll be done with your whole house in about 4 minutes.

Here is a similar group I found on YouTube to give you an idea of what the older kids in the show could do.


Elephant's Child said...

First video unavailable. The second? Colour me awed.

Bilbo said...

Ah, yes ... granddaughters' dance recitals. Too bad all my granddaughters have outgrown that phase. Those shows can be great fun. And if I want music to clean the house by, I can assure you it won't be "Because We Can" - I'd rupture something in the first three measures.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm sure it was worth the wait to see your granddaughter perform! I don't remember that song from "Moulin Rouge" but yes, what a toe-tapper!

Mike said...

Sue - The Company granddaughter is taking classes from has little ones all the way up to high school. Not quite as many HSer's as the second video, but close.

Bill - Maybe you could be the person they toss into the air. Wouldn't it be fun to have a bunch of girls throwing you around?

Deb - Did you get your house cleaned? 😄

Kirk said...

Should be called "Because We Can-Can."

Kathy G said...

If I could get my house cleaned in 3:28 it would be a miracle.

Mike said...

Kirk - Yep.

Kathy - I think 3 years and 28 days would be plenty of time, maybe.

River said...

How I wish I could still move like that, though I never could do the splits. I remember going to my oldest grand daughters ballet recitals, she began at age three and by age five her younger brother began, they both gave up at eleven, E because she couldn't advance to the next level because like me she can't do the splits. S gave up because he was playing soccer instead and on the rowing team too.