Sunday, September 08, 2024

6291 - Long joke Sunday

A man enters the confessional and says 'Bless me Father for I have sinned; it has been one month since my last confession.

I've had sex with Fannie Green every week for the last month.'

The priest tells the sinner, 'You are forgiven. Go out and say three Hail Mary's.'

Soon, another man enters the confessional. 'Father, it has been two months since my last confession.

I have had sex with Fannie Green twice a week for the last two months.'

This time the priest asks, 'Who is this Fannie Green?'

'A new woman in the neighborhood,' the sinner replies.

'Very well,' says the priest. 'Go and say ten Hail Mary's.'

The next morning in church, the priest is preparing to deliver his sermon when a gorgeous, tall woman enters the church.

All the men's eyes fall upon her as she slowly sashays up the aisle and sits down in front of the altar.

Her dress is green and very short, with matching very shiny emerald green shoes.

The priest and altar boy gasp as the woman sits down with her legs slightly spread apart, Sharon Stone style.

The priest turns to the altar boy and whispering asks, 'Is that Fannie Green?'

The altar boy replies, 'No Father, I think it's just the reflection off her shoes'.


Elephant's Child said...


John A Hill said...

An excellent observation by the young guy!

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Mike said...

If laughs extend your life by one day, do groans cut a day off?

Mike said...

I thought so too!

Mike said...

And I repeat... If laughs extend your life by one day, do groans cut a day off? said...

Oy vey. Silly nonsense, Mike. Silly man.

Mike said...

Silly me. 😁

Kirk said...

There might be a need for another confession.

River said...

Took me a minute, but I got it.

Mike said...

I've seen the word Fannie used enough recently that I got it right away.

Mike said...

Hmmmmmm... Na.