Thursday, October 03, 2024

6306 - Thursday trees... my trees!

I've always thought of posting the trees on my lot but would never get around to taking the pictures. I guess the fallen branch inspired me. One problem I have is I can't remember the names of all of them. I have the names written down on a piece of paper that is in a safe place. You can blow these up a lot bigger.

This is the Maple tree that dropped the branch on the house.


This is the second of three big maples in a row that were here when we moved in 48 years ago.


A twofer. On the left is a sassafras. On the right is a ...


This is the third big maple. The one I keep expecting to fall. When it does fall it will just fall into the middle of the yard and I'll get to buy a big chainsaw to cut it up.


This is a maple that I replanted from the other side of the yard when it was about 4 feet tall. I thought it would be bigger by now.


Here is a redbud. The county planted six of them for me as part of a road project 26 years ago. This is the last one that is still hanging in there.


This little scrub is a hawthorn that refuses to grow. I have found out why it has the name it does. It's full of spikes that look like they could kill people. I think this one is going to go.


The hawthorn and this one are the ones I got for signing up with the Arbor Association. Its name is on that paper.


This one is also one I got for signing up with the Arbor Association. Its name is on that paper.


Here's a self-starter maple. This one grew like crazy.


Another self starter maple. Not growing quite as fast as the previous one.


A couple of cedar trees that came with the house. Heavy snow can just about bend these in half. As soon as the snow is gone they pop right back up.


Also a cedar... I think.


From the Arbor Association.


From the Arbor Association.


From the Arbor Association. This is in the death spot. I've planted several starter trees here and they all died. I thought this one had died too but it has come back to life!


I wish I could remember the name of this. English something or other. It has super soft wood. When I need to trim it it's like cutting through butter. It's an original tree from 48 years ago and storms don't do anything to it. I guess it flexes easily.


My magnolia in the front yard that I post every year with all the flowers. All the buds are set for next year.


When I had my driveway expanded I had three holly trees moved. This is the lone survivor.


Another hooly that didn't have to be moved.


Three white pines that were planted about 26 years ago as part of the road project. I was going to keep them trimmed down so they wouldn't get so big. I forgot.


Two sassafras trees. Mine is on the right. My neighbor's is on the left and is large for a sassafras. 


My backyard goes out to the road. My lot is about 3/4 of an acre. The backyard is about 60% of it.



Elephant's Child said...

Love your trees. Thank you.

Mike said...

I wish some of them would grow faster. 😄

River said...

I dream of having 3/4 of an acre, even a 1/2 acre, but I'm getting too old and achy to manage that now after years in a small flat with no yard to speak of. Do you tap the maples for syrup? Get rid of the spiny prickly thing and plant something pretty.