If you visit all the links, this could take a while. The main point boiled down to one thought, don't beat your kids.
Early Stress Alters Sperm DNA, Impacting Offspring’s Brain Development
Summary: Childhood stress may leave lasting marks on sperm, altering epigenetic profiles and potentially influencing brain development in offspring. Researchers found that men with high levels of childhood maltreatment had changes in DNA methylation and non-coding RNA levels in their sperm.
These epigenetic changes could mediate how early life stress impacts the next generation, highlighting the potential for intergenerational effects. While the study demonstrates significant associations, further research is needed to confirm the role of epigenetic inheritance in humans.
Not explained in the article... gametes... The male gamete is the sperm, and the female gamete is the egg.
I started reading and then thought, "I don't need to know this" and clicked out. No one in my family nor my ex's family suffered early childhood stress and my children's spouses are all from happy well adjusted families too.
You mean you don't know any MAGAs that need help?
Aaaaargh. And once the maltreatment is done it will have repercussions through the generations...
Ah ... yet another excuse for poor behavior!
I would have to have a LOT more evidence before I agreed with the hypothesis.
Not an excuse. Scientific evidence.
That's your assignment then. Start with epigenetics.
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