Sunday, February 09, 2025

6386 - Long joke Sunday

A lawyer married a woman who had previously been divorced ten times. On their wedding night, she turned to her new husband and said, “Please be gentle, I’m still a virgin.”  
“What?” said the baffled groom. “How is that possible after ten marriages?”  
She sighed and explained:  
- Husband #1 was a salesman - he kept promising how amazing it would be, but never actually delivered.  
- Husband #2 was in software development - he wasn’t sure how it was supposed to work but said he’d troubleshoot and get back to me.  
- Husband #3 was from field services - he ran all the diagnostics but couldn’t get the system up.  
- Husband #4 was in telemarketing - even though he had the order, he had no clue when he could deliver.  
- Husband #5 was an engineer - he had a complex plan but needed three years to research, design, and implement it.  
- Husband #6 was in finance - he thought he could do it but wasn’t sure it was in his job description.  
- Husband #7 was in marketing - he had great presentation skills but didn’t know how to position himself.  
- Husband #8 was a psychologist - all he did was talk about it.  
- Husband #9 was a gynecologist - all he did was examine it.  
- Husband #10 was a stamp collector - all he ever did was… *God, I miss him!*  
Then she smiled at her new husband and said, “But now that I’ve married you, I know things will be different!” 
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” the lawyer asked.  
“Because you’re a lawyer. This time, I KNOW I’m gonna get screwed!”


Bilbo said...

She should have stuck with #10. With #11, she'll get screwed, but will have to pay for it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, yes, lawyers get the job done!

John A Hill said...


Kathy G said...

Good one!

Mike said...

#10 was me!

Mike said...

Yes yo... they do.

Mike said...

😁 There was a lot of reformatting on this.

Mike said...

John found this. It's an old but updated one.

Cloudia said...

Thanks Mike