Friday, February 14, 2025

6389 - tRUMP 2.0 and farmers

My daughter sent me this substack article about what US farmers are already going through and what more is coming.


Bilbo said...

And he's just getting started.

Mike said...

I feel sorry for the democratic farmers and pissed at the republican ones that are going to deserve everything that's going to happen to them.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So far, he's caused nothing but pain for everyone but Elon Musk.

John A Hill said...

A good article. Thanks.
I shared it on FB.

Mike said...

I hope he gets bored with Elon.

Mike said...

I don't thing liberal or conservative farmers are going to like what he's doing.

Kirk said...

I wouldn't be surprised if all this causes farmers to turn left, and I mean HARD left.

Mike said...

One can only hope.

River said...

He's been a busy little beaver signing whatever is placed in front of him, doesn't even read the papers first. You've all got your doomsday cellars well stocked I hope.