Sunday, February 14, 2010

1066 - WARNING and EVE and SARAH

First off WARNING WARNING. If you get an email about '', don't go there. It's a spam site and they are collecting email addresses. If you sign up they grab your address book and send emails out to everyone on it. (Oh and happy valentines day)

So, it's Sunday. What else have you got to do besides listen to the author of the 'vagina monologs', Eve Ensler, talk about feeling secure in these days and times. This starts off good, drifts a little, but then gets back on track. And this is all to set up an article about Sarah Palin I found written by Eve Ensler.




The Mistress of the Dark said...

Yay Eve! Cos Sarah Palin scared the f-ck out of me. BTW try my comments now. I fiddled with a setting or two yesterday. This is why I hate Blogger.

Mike said...

M - Blogger is the only thing I know. Ignorance is bliss.