From the news.
Health insurers across the country are dramatically increasing rates and slashing benefits for many of the estimated 17 million consumers with individual insurance policies, while making it almost impossible to obtain affordable alternatives.
The problems have captured national attention as President Obama steps up his campaign in Washington for a healthcare overhaul and Congress investigates rate hikes of as much as 39% by Anthem Blue Cross in California.
Hey, the US doesn't need national health care. Let the market work itself out. Let the health care industry raise rates. Watch more and more people lose health care because they can't afford it. That's life in a capitalist society. It worked in the airline industry. Oh wait. Most airlines went out of business after deregulation.
Well I guess deregulation worked for the banks. ...... Well maybe not.
Something must have worked after being deregulated. ....... I'm thinking. ......... I'll get back to you on that.
Also, here's the MANIFESTO of the pilot that crashed into the Austin building. Becareful reading it. You might find yourself agreeing with him.
55 minutes ago
NO COMMENTS! I know, boring political stuff.
Health care makes me want to beat things with a stick. Usually politicians that have crazy awesome health care, while I have the suckiest available.
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