Awhile back I posted on how long it takes someone else's blog to pop up. Some come up faster than others. I'm sure some of it has to do with my PC besides network traffic.
Here's an interesting little trick I just figured out. Instead of staying on the browser waiting for the blog to pop up, I switch over to my email (which is open) and switch right back to the browser and presto, the blog is up.
This probably has more to do with my PC than the network but it might help you too. (or to, or two)
Projection And Lies... There's A Lot Of It Going Around
8 minutes ago
Trouble popping?
Are you tired, run down, listless? Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular?
Well, are you?
What's really interesting is that you have 2 to two too posts on Wed. Fri the 13th.
Ues sepll ckech.
LA - I try to depoopularize my self a lot. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
B - This is 2 confusing.
Trhere msut be a flul moom tginoght
I'm sure some of my issues with blogs opening are my PC
wtf is with blogs that have tool bars on the bottom, on the top, links to infinity on the side bar and on and on and on
ahhhh - that felt good
D - I just recently took a bunch of stuff off my sidebar hoping it would speed things up. It didn't work.
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