I took a picture of what is left of the last snow storm. That storm was ..... I forgot. Over a week ago? And even then this is a lot of snow to be left. It's normally long gone by now.
So who do I check with to find out the truth? I know, THE DOG! Animals always know when some catastrophe is going to happen. HEY MAX.... are bad things about to happen!!!!
We're bracing for the end of the world wrapped in a blanket of ice. Oh the Huamnity!! Cheers Mike!!
I stopped by the grocery store last night. It was so crowded it seemed like a couple of days before Thanksgiving. Every checkout lane was open and there was a line at each one.
Does Max ever allow you on the sofa?
Ice coming our way...and snow. I wonder if I'll get a full week of work this year?
I want some of that we got a lil bit of snow/ice a couple weeks ago and that's it.
MM - If there's ice send Schmoop out first.
B - I know. I got bread and milk but forgot eggs. I guess we're gonna' die.
MD - Maybe by June but don't count on it.
RW - I'll see about shipping some of this stuff your way.
Right now it's cloudy and cool here. But, I keep feel it in the air. We're gonna get hammered.
And, it's pandemonium all over town.
Looks like stormy weather everywhere! Take care.
J - Yes, the air does feel damp.
A - I've got enough food that I don't have to leave the house for a month..... Well a week anyway.
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