Monday, January 31, 2011

1415 - Storm mode

Weather armageddon is coming. Well according to the weather guys it is. I just went outside. Not a cloud in the sky. More stars out than I've seen in a long time. That should be proof right there that something bad is going to happen.

I took a picture of what is left of the last snow storm. That storm was ..... I forgot. Over a week ago? And even then this is a lot of snow to be left. It's normally long gone by now.

So who do I check with to find out the truth? I know, THE DOG! Animals always know when some catastrophe is going to happen. HEY MAX.... are bad things about to happen!!!!

never mind...



Schmoop said...

We're bracing for the end of the world wrapped in a blanket of ice. Oh the Huamnity!! Cheers Mike!!

Bandit said...

I stopped by the grocery store last night. It was so crowded it seemed like a couple of days before Thanksgiving. Every checkout lane was open and there was a line at each one.

Does Max ever allow you on the sofa?

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Ice coming our way...and snow. I wonder if I'll get a full week of work this year?

Raquel's World said...

I want some of that we got a lil bit of snow/ice a couple weeks ago and that's it.

Mike said...

MM - If there's ice send Schmoop out first.

B - I know. I got bread and milk but forgot eggs. I guess we're gonna' die.


MD - Maybe by June but don't count on it.

RW - I'll see about shipping some of this stuff your way.

Jay said...

Right now it's cloudy and cool here. But, I keep feel it in the air. We're gonna get hammered.

And, it's pandemonium all over town.

Amanda said...

Looks like stormy weather everywhere! Take care.

Mike said...

J - Yes, the air does feel damp.

A - I've got enough food that I don't have to leave the house for a month..... Well a week anyway.