Sunday, May 29, 2011

1533 - Signs

Well I found a butt load of signs a few days ago. They are from the Jon Stewart rally. One that caught my attention was this one.

Then a few days later Jay has this on his Tubbler(or whatever) thingy, post site, info share, short blog quick post site (or whatever). (I KNOW!! Go figure.) I like the addition of the last line.

Well I found ALL the signs from the JS rally. How many? 834 of them suckers. The link at the end will take you to the site. Here's a few of the ones I like. But first, an explanation for some of the signs you'll see about head stomping.

Here's the back up ARTICLE for the video.

Now on to the signs.




Amanda said...

This got me thinking that when attending a protest...there is pressure to have the wittiest placard!

Mike said...

A - This rally really generated some great signs.